Happy New Year Best wishes for 2021 and stay safe
3 January 2021
Spring Treatments and Services now available
24 February 2021Your lawn and garden may be in hibernation for Winter, but we are not! Lawn care Hull is already planning for your next treatments
Moss is perfectly normal at this time of year and thrives in cold and damp conditions when almost nothing else is growing. Lots of customers are asking about moss this year and when is the best time to apply a moss treatment, it appears to be going heavily across Hull and East Riding. Moss in grass hinders the lawn of its visual appearance and the vital nutrients needed in order to be lush and green. Moss killer for grass removes moss from lawns and can be applied in February if weather conditions are suitable. The active ingredient is iron, this is absorbed by the leaf giving rapid results and has been known to blacken moss within hours. One the moss has turned black it can be unsightly and can be removed by the scarification process, or simply be left to be pushed out by the healthy lawn that will grow from underneath. Get in touch today to see how we can help.