Spring Lawn Treatment Kick Start your Lawn
1 May 2020
Spring Treatment Lush Kirkella Lawn
14 May 2020A lot of customers in the West Hull villages are complaining about clover in the Lawn this year. This is one of the services we offer customers alongside their regular treatment plan.
How to treat clover and other weeds in your grass
Poor Soil Compaction is one of the area we would be looking at: Clover likes soil that is compacted. This will cause the good grass plants to thin out and become weak. By carrying out a Core Aeration on your lawn annually along with Top Dressing, it will improve your lawn’s soil structure making it a great environment for lawn grasses but more importantly LESS desirable for weeds such as Clover.
Lawn Care Hull will ensure that we kill off Clover in your garden, We believe it is important to use a liquid selective broadleaf weed control. Some customers try the non commercial granular treatment, with poor results. The reason for this is that the leaves of Clover plants are very small and it will be difficult to get an adequate amount of granular product on these leaves. By using a great professional lawn care service to treat Clover throughout the year, and each subsequent year, is the most effective way of managing this perennial weed.