The perfect plans for your lawn

First rate lawn care

We care for our customer's lawns with quality, professional machines & fertilisers to help you get your lawn perfect for you.

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Flexible treatment plan

We can work around you and your requirements whilst still focusing on seasonal timing to produce the best results

Bespoke to suit your lawn’s requirements

No packages or 'weed & feed'. Our recommendations are tailored-made for you and your lawn's requirements

Hull and East Riding lawn care specialist

Offering a high-quality service and taking pride in what we do, has been fundamental to our clients' lawn successes.

The perfect plan for your lawn

With a lot of specialist experience working with domestic lawns within Hull and beyond, you can be assured that we will help you get the very best out of your lawn for seasons to come. Speak with us today to see how we can help you.

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Lawn Feed and Weed Treatment

We use lawn treatment products that are high quality and offer up to 4 treatments throughout the lawn growing season.

(1st Treatment)

A much needed start in spring after the winter months will improve colour and promote healthy lawn growth. Moss or weed treatment will be applied after our assessment.

(2nd Treatment)

Nitrogen rich fertilizer (no-scorch) is used to keep your lawns rich green colour & helping with new growth & thickening. A further weed treatment is then to the lawn applied if required.

(3rd Treatment)

Later in the Summer months the treatments will consist of a further fertilizer treatment for the lawns deep thickness. A final weed treatment is applied to the lawn if required.

(4th Treatment)

In preparation for the winter, a high phosphate and potassium fertilizer is applied. This protects against diseases and to support strong grass root growth. A moss treatment is included if required.

1What is scarifying?
Scarification is a thatch control and pruning technique that helps to keep the lawn healthy and promotes a thicker, lush lawn, reducing the risk of disease, weeds and moss issues. This can be carried out throughout the year but should be done in Spring and Autumn depending on conditions.
2What is Aeration?
A vital air exchange happens when removing thousands of small cores from the lawn or creating thousands of slits. Oxygen, vital for root growth, gets into the compacted layer and carbon dioxide, so harmful as it inhibits the passage of water to the roots, escapes. Regular aeration is integral to a lawn as it: • Relieves surface compaction • Increases microbial activity • Improves air movement in the lawn (air goes in, carbon dioxide gets released) • Encourages new root growth • Prunes the roots improving depth and thickness • Improves nutrient uptake • Reduces the build-up of thatch • Improves the infiltration rate of water into the soil • Improves drainage • Helps strengthen your lawn’s resistance to weeds, moss and disease
3Why Fertilise my lawn?
An impressive lawn calls for a regular lawn feeding program because your lawn gets mowed. Mowing is a serious drain on the soil’s reserve of major nutrients, nitrogen becomes exhausted quite quickly whereas phosphates and potash will reduce more slowly. Unless reserves are replaced you will find your grass will turn pale, thin and sparse.
4When should I over seed my lawn?
Overseeding, is sometimes known as reseeding, is one of the quickest and most effective ways to rejuvenate your lawn. Overseeding lawn treatment is the application of grass seed to your existing lawn which replenishes the existing grass and fills in bare patches. Overseeding is always provided in conjunction with either scarification or aeration and is not just about improving the appearance of your lawn, it will also improve the lawn’s quality; increasing shade and drought tolerance whilst also improving your lawns resistance to diseases.
5 How long will it take to see improvements in my lawn?
Following a seasonal treatment, you will notice the weeds dying and the grass greening up within a couple of weeks.
6Should I mow the lawn before the treatment?
We recommend that you don't cut your lawn for 3 days either side of any treatment. This is to ensure that we can see the weeds and the treatment of them has a couple of days to reach the roots.

Client Testimonial Reviews

  • Andy
    Our back garden had always been over damp and held water all the time. We gave the service a go and now the lawn is super lush and green but more importantly healthy!


Limited Availability in Kirkella, Anlaby & Willerby

If you have a question, need a quote or would like lawn and grass help please contact us.

Call 07725 263450